Tonight and Wednesday Tortoise will be screening at the BAFTA qualifying Rushes Soho Short Film Festival. To celebrate below is the fresh off the presses poster and you can also now check out a gallery of my stills. WWW.TORTOISETHEFILM.COM
Late last year I worked on Tortoise an NFTS short film directed by Jae-ha Myung. The web site for this beautiful 16mm film featuring Joe Jackson, Phil Nice, Scott Hinds and Suni La has now been launched is features my still images as well as a short teaser trailer. Tortoise was shown on the big...
[nggallery id=30] With the approval of the producers of Jae-Ha Myung’s short film Tortoise here’s a gallery of behind the scenes stills. If there’s a portrait of yourself that you’d like to use for professional purposes, please make sure you credit me and provide a link to this website. Thanks for working with me!