I’m always open to working on different projects, and this time I answered the call of Daniel Berg to work with him and the amazing team of Toh Shimazaki Architecture running its Forum Mini at London’s prestigious Royal Academy of Art.
The Forum Mini is an architecture school for children. The program is created and run by architects and is a one day school opens the minds of children to architectural designing.
As part of its Annual Architecture Lecture and Programme, The Royal Academy of Arts invited Toh Shimazaki Architecture to run its Forum Mini in the Sackler Galleries. The day entailed throwing open the room to children and their families to create their own architectural openings or portals in the walls of the two rooms. It was a thrill to be a fly on the wall as the children and their families set to their projects. Here’s a selection of photos from the day.
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The links:
Toh Shimazaki Architecture www.t-sa.co.uk
Royal Academy of Arts www.royalacademy.org.uk
Daniel Berg www.dandielberg.co.uk