Film sets are not all action, you’ll spend lots of time waiting around. Here’s my top 5 tips for making use of that down time. Crew Portraits – As I first discussed in TT 11, just about everyone on a film set will want some photographic record of where they have spent the majority of...
Have to thank you so much for your blog. I cannot tell you how helpful it has been. I have shot a number of student productions for theater and several video shoots but never a film production. This is a shoot with more seasoned film pros, working for fun on the 48 Hour Film Festival in Washington DC, where a short film is produced–soup to nuts- in 48 hours. I’ll be using a Nikon D7100, and have a 28-70, f2.8. a 70-200, f2.8, and a 35, f1.8. I have a prime 85 but perhaps it’s redundant. I’m expecting to go in without flash at a high ISO. No one knows subject, location or conditions until the starting “Go!” I’m going through your blog as fast as I can to fill in what holes I can, knowing that “Don’t get in the way” is #1. Any other critical stuff to flat out not forget in a situation like mine?
Thank you thank you thank you!
Slightly, late reply I’m sorry! Congratulations on your first gig! Definitely take your 85mm prime, film sets can get very dark leaving your 2.8 zooms a little slow for the lighting conditions. I hope you had fun!
I just want to say thank you for this great website. I wish I had found this resource a little earlier in my career. I started shooting set stills about 4 years ago in addition to my editorial and corporate I had worked on for 10 years. I had to figure out a lot as I went along but this website has given me some pointers. Again, thank you for this service.