Tag Archives: film marketing

Ernie Malik (via IMDB) is a highly regarded film publicist. He has worked on major motion picture projects including the Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Terry Gilliam’s Twelve Monkeys and more recently the Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Green Lantern. I had the pleasure of being introduced to Ernie while...

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  • laura radfordMarch 12, 2014 - 9:28 pm

    your blog is just so rich in information, i’ve spent the last week addicted to it! Thank you for sharing :)

I’ve got a strong interest in learning about good film publicity practice. I’m of the opinion that understanding the principles of film publicity and what the best practitioners do, I can apply that knowledge to my work as unit stills photographer. Here’s a selection of great resources I’ve come across that inform my work on...


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