As a production stills photographer you end up shooting a lot of images in a given shoot day. Some photographers will regularly shoot over 800 images a day. These days, I generally shoot between 300 and 400 images but this will increase or decrease depending on the amount of action being shot. Its a compulsive...
How has your process changed since this was written.
Hi Danno, Good question. I’ve just updated the article with my current practices as at November 2016. Thanks for your interest!
Hey, just finished reading all of these articles. Thank you so much for your time and some really invaluable information! Just curious, you never mention what all files you send out when you deliver. Are you sending your work as all RAW files (revised with added Look from Lightroom) or are you including added JPEG files for each as well…? Also, how long do you generally keep your own backups of your photos from a film before deleting to clear space for future films?
I tend to deliver RAW (native camera files or Adobe DNG conversions) and Jpegs. Usually the client will specify what they want and how they want the files. If not, I deliver both, if only to reduce the need for them coming back to me down the line for different versions.
As for archiving, I have a Network Attached Storage Drive (NAS) that I store all backups on and incrementally enlarge with further storage as necessary. I keep the files forever, although I have started deleting all images that I rejected during the pick/reject phase of my processing.
Hi Angus, I mainly shoot for magazines and company commercial stuff. I had a problem with Dropbox when they tried to take over my Mac. It took me ages to get it off my computer. They didn’t want to let go. I have been using We Transfer for several years now and it’s never failed me. Just thought I would mention that. Cheers Tony Timmington