Category Archives: Camden Calling

I’ve just received word that Camden Calling has been accepted for inclusion in this year’s Virgin Media Shorts competition. You can watch it here: Virgin Media Shorts – Camden Calling. Or, you can just check out a gallery of my stills from the shoot Camden Calling – Stills Gallery


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    Camden, post GFC. For five 20 something flatmates (Connor (Rob Leonard), Tessa (Lucy Grainger), Rosie (Sunnie Sidhu), Pete (Tom Hall) and Liam (John Sebatian)) it’s especially tough. Our heroes have a hole in their wall. Camden Calling is a four part sitcom and is now online. Check out Episode 1, and share it with your...


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      I’ve now spent three days on the set of Camden Calling which is a TV sitcom scripted and directed by Sunnie Sidhu. It’s the story of a group of five twenty-somethings, living their lives in the famous London borough of Camden. There’s a talented cast and a script that has lots of laughs…I can’t wait...


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