I’m very proud to announce this stunning poster for Phil Arntz and Alex Campbell’s short film Sophie.
The image is not a replication of a frame from the film. I captured this at a complete 90 degree angle to the wide rickshaw tracking shot of the motion camera. The actual motion shot will be awesome as our hero Robin Varley runs terrified through a field dodging the pyrotechnic “mortar” blasts as Spitfire fighters fly overhead.
My angle of choice was based on a need to capture the intensity of the moment that was best represented in Robin’s facial expression. I’m also always looking for images that provide the right amount of dead space that provides for the design elements in a “One Sheet” (film poster).
Ordinarily I’d love to have caught the image during a take, but because the rickshaw shot was so long it was difficult to safely get the perfect moment – even at 200mm of zoom! Nothing would have ruined the epic shot more than my head and long white lens appearing inopportunely in DOP’s frame. Because of this, I negotiated with Alison Winter (our First Assistant Director) and Robin to recreate the earliest part of his mad dash as a separate “take for stills” while the crew commenced a location move to the trenches.
Robin was very good to me and engaged with me 100% giving me two runs at the scene – I shot permutations in landscape and another in portrait orientation. The image was captured using my photographic dream team – 5D Mark III and 70-200mm f/2.8 “L” series lens.
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Sophie Film | Phil Arntz | Alex Campbell | Robin Varley

Phil Arntz, Director of Sophie